Thursday, July 28, 2011


sometimes I just want to roll in the grass...


... really

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

chodź, przytul, przebacz

Albo chodź, przytul mnie,
albo odejdź i przebacz,
i niech stanie się to tu i teraz.
Albo teraz i już
kiedy niebo cię zsyła,
albo wszystko skończone i wybacz.



Thursday, July 21, 2011


Reading Narnia right now, don't realy want to sleep, just read, but I'm so tired and need to go to work tomorrow. :(
I'm excited about many things but also tired of many as well, like tired of work but excited about money I earn, hahaha :)

And again, a pictures I took in Poland in the end of may.
I'm so slow, I know, :P

pink  wildflowers